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cosmetics ordering and delivery in the Kuwait . Tap to order online your favorite medicines through My-Pharmacy‘s app from more than 500 different Pharmacies My-Pharmacy offers the fastest medicines delivery service By downloading the app, you will be able to order from your nearest Pharmacies such as cima boshery,and many other Pharmacies . Available across: Kuwait Easy ordering process: - Enter your address or multiple addresses - Select your Pharmacy and Medicine in few taps. - Place your order - Track and get your food freshly delivered right to your doorstep. Pop up features: Easy search for your Medicine by area Filter the Pharmacy to find your favorite cuisine View the Pharmacy menus with items’ pictures View updated Pharmacies promotions Find the Pharmacies that deliver to your area Choose to place an order now or at a later time Pay for your order by cash, Debit or Credit Cards Register for an account and live track your placed orders Update your account by applying multiple addresses Customer Service Available 24/7.